New $2 off Your $40 Purchase at Fry’s Coupon Download!

Click here to load a new coupon for $2 off your $40 purchase at Fry’s! This is good through October 1st. That’s two extra bucks in your pocket! Start getting in that mindset, you’ll be shocked at how fast the savings add up!

If you’re still thinking that $2 isn’t worth the ten seconds and two mouse clicks it takes to load the coupon to your card, don’t forget about the study I mentioned on facebook a few weeks ago that says “thrifty is the new sexy”!

KTAR posted it too:

“Jenny Olson, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, and Scott Rick, associate marketing professor at the university conducted the study “A Penny Saved Is a Partner Earned: The Romantic Appeal of Savers.”

The two discovered that both genders find those who save attractive, saying it indicates self-control and responsibility.

According to a study by the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University, frugal partners may also be both mentally and physically healthier, as they do not have the added stress and depression of debt.

Olson, however, wants to make one thing clear: “There’s nothing attractive about cheapskates,” she explained toMarketWatch. “With tightwads, there will be a little bit of anxiety about spending. It’s about the pain of paying, parting with money,” so pay close attention to those first few dates.”

Aren’t those two bucks looking better already?!


Alicia :-)

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