CONGRATULATIONS to the winners of the Alicia’s Deals in AZ/Arizona Restaurant Week $50 gift cards giveaway! Note: These gift cards don’t need to be used during restaurant week. Winners have 24 hours to respond to e-mail or message before I pick new winners!
Cassandra V.: Fox Restaurant Concepts
Stephanie H.: Carraba’s
Bev: Chart House
Cheryl Gardner: Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse
Marv Reber: Arrowhead Grill
I am SO EXCITED we hit 5000 “likes”, in fact, we’re currently at 5026!
There will be ANOTHER HOT Giveaway very soon (as in NEXT WEEK)!
Congrats to the winners and thank you so much to EVERYONE for following my blog! I wish I had gift cards for everyone!
Never miss a deal! “Like” Alicia’s Deals in AZ on Facebook at and get a daily Alicia’s Deals in AZ e-mail by sending a message to with SUBSCRIBE in the subject line. Live life better for less!