My $100 MasterCard Giftcard from the Coors Light Giveaway Just Arrived! Have You Won Yet?!?!?!

Have you won the Coors Light giveaway yet? Earlier this summer I blogged about this great giveaway that lots of us seem to be winning! I won $100 and it just showed up today!

Click here to enter to win up to $10,000 from Coors Light. This contest is only good for people in Arizona and Nevada and takes just a few seconds to enter.

You can enter every day! I was entering like clockwork and kept getting the “You Didn’t Win” messages until one day I got the “CONGRATULATIONS, you’re a potential winner” message.  A couple of days later, I got the redemption code.

An extra $100 is always nice! My hubby won $25 and we were pretty excited about that too!

It seems like if you’re persistent, you’ll do really well at this game! Please let me know when (and what) you win! I can’t wait to hear that an Alicia’s Deals in AZ reader WON the $10,000!

Alicia :-)

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